Hochinteressant - aber entscheiden Sie selbst ob die Quellen glaubwürdig sind !!!!!!


"Die US-Arzneimittelbehörde (FDA) bestätigte am Donnerstag, dass sie etwa 2 Millionen Ellume-COVID-19-Tests für den Hausgebrauch zurückruft, weil sie 'falsch-positive' Ergebnisse liefern können."

Dies ist eine teilweise Bestätigung dafür, dass in Krankenhäusern Massenmord begangen wurde, indem "falsch-positive" Testergebnisse verwendet wurden, um Menschen in Todesstationen zu zwingen.

Einer der Top-Impfstoff-Verbrecher, der demnächst entfernt werden soll, ist der Kanadier Justin Castro Trudeau. Castro hat "zehnmal mehr Impfstoffe bestellt, als es Kanadier gibt - einschließlich der Elche - und das ist Erpressung, weil er für jeden Dollar, der [für Impfstoffe] ausgegeben wird, eine Rückvergütung erhält."



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In Asia, the two big unfinished items of business are Korea and Taiwan. The Asian secret societies promise the peaceful reunifications of Taiwan with the mainland and of North Korea with South Korea are in the pipeline.

In the West, however, the following quote from a European royal makes it clear this will be no ordinary reckoning:

“The atrocity exacted upon the Russian Imperial family by the KM and many others around the world has not gone unnoticed. A very vast endeavor to expose this heinous hate crime is ongoing to root out and kill –we repeat kill- all concerned.”

The Rockefellers financed Trotsky and Lenin to overthrow the Czar because he refused to grant them oil concessions in Russia so; it is a pretty good guess that family is now being purged root and branch.

The removal of David Rockefeller’s grandson Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook and the renaming of that company as “Meta,” Hebrew for death, is a clear sign. The subsequent removal from Meta of face recognition data on a billion people shows the change in management.


The disappearance of Zuckerbergs’ “Jens Psaki” White House spokestrans persona is a clear sign the purge is well underway.


The Rockefeller-owned pharmacidical companies behind the fake pandemic and the real mass vaccination campaign are also now being targeted. “They get a knock on the door and we say we know who you are we know what you are doing and you better knock it off,” explains MI6. “Later we will suck them all up with a giant vacuum cleaner,” they add.

The purge of the pharmacidical mafia is now undeniable. We can confirm for example that the CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla
