
Paul Craig Roberts

Violence is spreading.  Asians in New York City are now routinely brutally attacked by blacks on subways and in the streets.  Within the ruling narrative, how can this be stopped without “racial violence” against blacks?


As I have explained for decades,
a Tower of Babel has no common ground. 

There are

  • no shared values,

  • no shared culture,

  • no shared holidays,

  • no shared history. 

In their place is the cultivated hatred taught in public schools with

  • critical race theory,

  • the NY Times 1619 Project,

  • and reinforced with sensitivity training in corporations, universities, and the US military.

This means there is no basis for law. 

Whatever law exists is seen as a tool of the ruling race, not as something to respect.


One consequence is that the public interest disappears because there is no public interest—only the interests of the races, genders, classes.  As has been clear throughout history, the lack of ethnic homogenuity means multicultural states are dysfunctional. They have no common basis.

White liberals will dispute this even as they live in an increasingly dysfunctional multicultural state that is thoroughly disunited and themselves spread disunity with their screams for death to Trump supporters.

The American people had a good thing going,
and they stupidly let it be taken from them.

