
Whites are an island too

But leftists aren’t sincere about their pious dogmas. If they taught that Māoris and other non-Whites can also be villains, they would frustrate the real aim of their ideology: to denigrate Whites, overthrow Western civilization, and rule the ruins. That’s why leftist propaganda portrays pre-colonial New Zealand as what you might call a land of slave-keeping cannibal saints. Māoris are non-Whites, which renders them innately virtuous in leftist eyes and superior to innately villainous Whites. That leftist fantasy of innate White villainy and innate non-White virtue contradicts the leftist dogma of absolute human equality, but so what? Leftists are pursuing power, not principle, when they elevate melanin-enriched Māoris over stale pale Pākehas (as Whites are called in New Zealand). But there’s an even deeper level to leftist duplicity, because their supposedly pro-minority policies do great harm to the Māoris whom they claim to be so concerned about. Like all Western nations, New Zealand is ruled by traitors who have opened the borders to mass immigration against the wishes of the White majority.

This means that New Zealand is filling with groups like Asians, Blacks, and Muslims, who are not susceptible to guilt about the supposed colonial sins committed against the Māoris. Open borders are bad for Māoris in New Zealand just as they’re bad for Blacks in America. But leftists don’t care. What matters to them is that open borders are bad for Whites and Western civilization. The sad story of the Moriori is also a prophecy of what will happen to Whites if they remain passive in the face of non-White invasion. I said at the beginning of this article that part of my interest in minorities like Jews and Gypsies came from the way that they are metaphorical islands, minorities in a sea of goyim or gorjas (the Gypsy word for non-Gypsies). Whites are now an island in the same sense, a minority in a sea of non-Whites. Whites are also an island of unique achievement and unique potential. Leftists want to see the island of Whites invaded, conquered, and destroyed.

Moriori as memento mori

But that won’t happen. The iron law of leftism will apply to the ideology itself. And what is the iron law of leftism? Simple: the law states that leftists always most harm what they claim to care about most. Leftists in America claim to care deeply about Blacks and their welfare. Sure enough, as Steve Sailer has tirelessly and irrefutably demonstrated, leftist policies have been responsible for a horrible rise in the number of Blacks murdered and maimed by other Blacks. And also in Blacks killed by dangerous Black driving.

That’s the iron law of leftism at work.
It’s also at work in the way the self-proclaimed Labour party in Britain has overseen the impoverishment and ethnic cleansing of the White working class, including the mass rape of White working-class girls in staunch Labour constituencies like Rotherham.

But the same law will destroy leftism itself in the end.

In the meantime, the Moriori are a gruesome memento mori of what happens to those who are passive in the face of invasion.

